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For the following three learning reflections, I went with the first memory that came to mind thinking if they stood out that much, they must have been authentic and potent bits of my education. I noticed that all three are skills and had direct, useful, meaningful purposes.

                                 Elementary Years

Topic: Making Buttermilk.

Who: My kindergarten teacher.

How: She would demonstrate shaking the jar, then we all got            a turn to practice. Finally we got to taste what we had              made.

Type: Skill

Why: Much of early elementary seems to revolve around our              agrarian roots as an American culture. I think it was a                nod in that direction.

                                                 Highschool Years

Topic: Typing

Who: Highschool business and typing teacher.

How: She showed us a skill and then we practiced it over and over until we could              do it without looking.

Type: Skill

Why: Originally, the purpose of the class was so that we could do formal reports or            fill out forms on a typewriter. I don't think we knew at that time how Word                Processing would soon take over most of our personal, academic, and work-            related writing.

                                   College Years

Topic: French Linguistics

Who: My favorite French professor

How: She would break a word down into its smallest parts              and we would practice pronouncing each piece on              its own.

Type: Skill

Why: The purpose was to work on the fine motor muscles              of the mouth and tongue so that we could say words            properly in order to communicate better with native            speakers.

[Photographs]. (n.d.). Wix Free Images.


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